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Vetted by

Ivan Draskovic

Backend Developer
As a Software Development Consultant, I help clients build scalable, reliable, and high-performance web applications using Node.js and TypeScript. I have over six years of experience in software development, working with various JavaScript frameworks and technologies.
years in

Backend Developer


Vetted by

Fabio Pampin

Full stack developer
Passionate Full Stack Developer with diverse experience in Vue.js, PHP, and Node.js. Excelled in enhancing user experiences and working at complex projects. Renowned for my adaptability, attention to detail, and effective communication. I thrive in dynamic environments, always eager to tackle new challenges and innovate. Seeking opportunities to apply my skills in creating impactful and user-friendly solutions.
years in

Full stack developer


Vetted by

Ilya Krasny

.Net Backend Lead

Highly skilled and dedicated professional with a proven track record of delivering high-quality work. Has a deep understanding of the technology and its applications. Worked on a variety of projects, from small-scale applications to large enterprise systems, and has consistently delivered results that meet or exceed client expectations.

years in

.Net Backend Lead

.NET;SQL DB;NoSQL DB;Entity Framework;RabbitMQ;AWS;

Vetted by

Anton Trautman

Lead Frontend Developer

Senior Frontend Engineer with over 10 years of experience in designing and developing web applications, installation, configuration, maintenance, troubleshooting and conversion. The key area of expertise covers the development of web applications using React framework, HTML(5)/CSS(3), Typescript, JavaScript/NodeJS, ensuring cross-browser and cross-device compatibility. Proven ability to understand and refine project requirements. Strong knowledge and experience with JavaScript Components Development and Responsive Web Design and Development. Hands-on experience with Agile methodologies. Skilled in the designing of easily maintainable and scalable frontend architectures.

years in

Lead Frontend Developer

TypeScript;Node.js;React 2;Redux;Express.js;GraphQL;Apollo;MongoDB;

Vetted by

Aleksandr Banga

Frontend Developer
Experienced Senior Full-Stack Developer with over 10 years of experience in programming and supporting fast and complex web applications, including those made from scratch and deployed to production. Proficient in JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Graphql, Node.js, Express, Nest.js. Have given a public talk "Reflection in TypeScript" at the Holy.js conference, participated in a tech-entertainment podcast for several years, and continuously strive to improve my skills and knowledge.
years in

Frontend Developer

Vetted by

Dorin Ionescu

Data Science
Engineer Data Engineer
A professional data scientist with extensive experience in artificial intelligence, machine learning, software development, and project management. Proficient in multiple programming languages and technologies, with a strong background in developing and deploying AI systems, mobile applications, and enterprise software solutions.
years in

Engineer Data Engineer

Python;C sharp;JavaScript;Java;Tensorflow;Keras;SQL;

Vetted by

Bartosz Michalkiewicz

Backend Developer
I'm a dedicated and innovative Backend Developer with over 11 years of full-time experience in the tech industry. My primary focus lies in crafting robust and scalable backend systems using TypeScript, Node.js, and AWS. I'm enthusiastic about architecting complex software solutions that stand the test of time. My skill set extends beyond the backend; I'm well-versed in the front-end realm with proficiency in React. I'm also not a stranger to JVM technologies, with a background in Java and Scala, and I can dabble in Python when needed. I thrive on transforming intricate business requirements into elegant, maintainable, and performant software systems. My passion for this aspect of development has led to the successful delivery of projects that exceed client expectations. What Sets Me Apart: - 11 years of hands-on experience, offering a wealth of knowledge. - A comprehensive skill set spanning multiple programming languages and technologies. - A relentless pursuit of perfection and innovation, always striving for excellence. - A knack for transforming complex problems into elegant and efficient solutions. - A genuine passion for software design and architecture, with an eye for detail. I'm always eager to connect with like-minded professionals, collaborate on exciting projects, or simply engage in thought-provoking discussions about the ever-evolving tech landscape.
years in

Backend Developer


Vetted by

Michael Shut

Full stack developer

Experienced Senior Full-Stack Engineer with over 12 years of experience in developing enterprise web applications.
Proficient in React and Node.js for developing scalable, high-quality, and sustainable software such as Web APIs and ASP.NET MVC-based applications.

Skilled in writing clean and well-organized code while also being able to refactor existing code. Always eager to learn and implement new technologies in challenging environments.

years in

Full stack developer

React;Redux;GraphQL;Rest API;HTML/CSS;Node.js;Nest.js;

Vetted by

Andrei Popa

DevOps Engineer

Senior DevOps Engineer with 8+ years of experience. I specialize in DevOps solutions that finely tune the development workflows through automation.

About my skills:

Cloud: Azure, AWS

IaC:Terraform, Terragrunt, Bicep

CI/CD: Azure DevOps

Kubernetes: AKS, EKS

Configuration Management: Ansible

Scripting: PowerShell

years in

DevOps Engineer

AWS, Kubernetes, Ansible, Grafana, Python

Vetted by

Leonid Marche

QA Engineer
A seasoned Senior Manual QA Engineer with 5 years of experience in the IT field. Proficient in writing test scripts, executing test cases, analyzing test results, customer support.
years in

QA Engineer

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