Volodymyr Danilin

Backend Developer
Vetted by
I am a Senior Software Developer with 8 years of experience in designing, developing, and implementing software solutions across diverse domains, mainly focused on server-side development, microservices architecture, CI/CD pipelines, and database optimization. Using TypeScript and JavaScript as programming languages I contributed to the development of high-load distributed systems like online shops, home automation systems, and CRM systems. Being an adaptive learner with an analytical mindset, I can become a valuable member of any team.



Vetting results

Backend Developer





- JavaScript, TypeScript;- NodeJS, NestJS, ExpressJS, KoaJS, Jest, Mocha, Chai, K6;

- MongoDB, ElasticSearch, PostgreSQL, Cassandra, Redis, Memcached;- RabbitMQ, Kafka;

- AWS, ECS, Lambda, S3, SQS, SNS, CloudFormation;- Kubernetes, Docker, DockerCompose;

- Jenkins, TravisCI, GitlabCI, CircleCI;- REST, JSONRPC, WebSockets, Socket.IO;

- ReactJS, ReduxJS, ReduxToolkit, Webpack;

- HTML, CSS, SCSS, JQuery, AngularJS;

- Git, Nginx, Alpine Linux, Swagger, CI/CD;

- non-commercial experience with Lua, Golang

Work Experience

Software Engineer, Flip, 2022 - present

- Leading a team of backend developers to design, develop, and maintain scalable and high-performance Node.js applications

- Architecting and implementing backend solutions that meet business requirements and technical specifications

- Collaborating with frontend developers, product managers, and other stakeholders to understand project requirements and timelines

- Writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code following best practices and coding standards

- Conducting code reviews, providing feedback, and mentoring junior developers to improve code quality and efficiency

- Implementing and optimizing database schemas, queries, and data storage solutions

- Integrating third-party APIs, services, and tools to enhance application functionality

- Monitoring application performance, identifying bottlenecks, and optimizing system resources

Technology stack: NodeJS, TypeScript, NestJS, Jest, Kubernetes, Cassandra, Kafka, RabbitMQ, Redis, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch

NodeJS back-end developer, Ezlo Innovation, 2020 - 2022

- Architecting and implementing backend solutions that meet business requirements and technical specifications

- Writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code following best practices and coding standards

- Conducting code reviews, providing feedback, and mentoring junior developers to improve code quality and efficiency

- Implementing security best practices to protect data and prevent vulnerabilities

- Monitoring application performance, identifying bottlenecks, and optimizing system resources

- Integrating third-party APIs, services, and tools to enhance application functionality

Technology stack: NodeJS, ExpressJS, Jest, Kubernetes, Cassandra, Kafka, RabbitMQ, Redis, Memcached, MySQL, WebSockets, JSONRPC

NodeJS back-end developer, Forma Pro, 2019 - 2020

- Collaborating with cross-functional teams to define technical architecture, design patterns, and development processes

- Driving technical innovation and proposing new technologies, tools, and frameworks to improve application performance and scalability

- Architecting and implementing complex backend solutions, including microservices, event-driven architectures, and distributed systems

- Designing and optimizing database schemas, queries, and indexing strategies for efficient data storage and retrieval

- Implementing advanced security measures, such as encryption, authentication, and authorization mechanisms, to protect sensitive data

Technology stack: NodeJS, TypeScript, ExpressJS, Jest, MongoDB, RabbitMQ

Software Developer, Dev-Pro.net, 2016 - 2019

- Developing and maintaining full-stack web applications using Node.js for the backend and React.js for the frontend

- Collaborating with designers, product managers, and other developers to define requirements and design user-friendly interfaces

- Implementing responsive and interactive user interfaces with React.js, including state management, component lifecycle, and routing

- Integrating backend APIs and services with the frontend using RESTful APIs or GraphQL to fetch and update data

- Building and consuming secure authentication mechanisms, such as JWT tokens, OAuth, or session-based authentication

- Implementing real-time features using WebSockets or server-sent events for live updates and notifications

Technology stack: NodeJS, KoaJS, Mocha, Chai, K6, MongoDB, Redis, Nginx, Alpine, Linux, Docker, Jenkins, AWS (ECS, Lambda, S3, SQS, SNS, Cloud
Formation), Swagger, REST

Front-end developer, IT Craft, 2015 - 2016

- Developing and maintaining front-end applications using Angular framework

- Collaborating with designers, product managers, and backend developers to define requirements and create user-friendly interfaces

- Implementing responsive and interactive user interfaces with Angular, including components, services, directives, and pipes

- Integrating with backend APIs and services to fetch and update data using HTTP requests or observables

- Implementing client-side routing and navigation using Angular Router for a seamless user experience

Technology stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS



Volodymyr Danilin

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