Daria Artema

Backend Developer
Vetted by
Experienced backend developer with 5+ years of experience and a diverse skill set in various technologies. Dedicated to going beyond simply completing tasks in Jira, but to strive to fully comprehend the underlying business requirements and project development plan. My expertise lies in utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as Javascript and Typescript for Nodejs development. Currently, my focus is primarily on backend development using NestJS.



Vetting results

Backend Developer





Work Experience

Senior Backend Developer, Flow Health, 2022 - present

- Support and development of a backend for a laboratory tests system:

   - created new module for lab tests processing in batches in legacy system;

   - improved BI-system (as a project tech lead);

   - added unit tests in several microservices;

   - created new microservice for insurance processing in new system;

   - added types to corporate package with value sets;

   - teamwork (3-7 people).


   - managing two middle developers in batch processing project;

   - created separate release process for BI-project;

   - tech- and team-leading in BI-project (small team with two developers and

   data analytic, with external DevOps and QA);

   As a result of my activities:

   - development speed has increased;

   - stability of application has increased;

   - new opportunities for business appeared.

   Tech stack:

   - legacy system: JS, TS, restify, npm packages, Kafka, Cassandra

   - new system: TS, NestJS, fastify, Jest, Prisma, PostgreSQL

   - BI system: TS, restify, Redshift,  R̶e̶d̶i̶s̶, Kinesis Firehose

   - tests: Jest

   - CI/CD: github actions, AWS CodeBuild

   - Infrastructure: AWS (EC2, Redshift, Kinesis Firehose, RDS (PostgreSQL),

   CloudWatch, S3)

Backend JS Developer, X5 Retail Group, 2020 - 2022

Support and development of a backend for a corporate social network:

   - active refactoring of legacy in the project (JS, express, MongoDB);

   - creation of new microservices (TS, Nestjs, fastify, MongoDB, RabbitMQ,

   Websockets, Redis);

   - creation of corporate local npm packages;

   - setting up gitlab-ci as needed, tests with jest (unit, e2e), working with

   openshift-based infrastructure, locally - docker;

   - teamwork (10 people).

   As a result of my activities:

   - development speed has increased;

   - stability of application has increased;

   - appeared an opportunity for horizontal scalability;

   - speed of project integration into external projects has increased.

Fullstack JS / TS Developer, Medpoint24, 2017 - 2020

The company is engaged in automation of medical examinations. Users are

   examined using the company's automated complex, the data is sent to the

   server, processed by a medic who decides whether to allow or not to allow a

   person to work.

   I created and supported (first alone, later in a team, supervising other


   - desktop-application for medical examination (terminal) (wilton, sqlite, Node js,

   Vue js, Typescript, webpack) (main part of company services);

   - desktop-application for medics who process these remote examinations

   (wilton, sqlite, Node js, Vue js, Javascript);

   - microservices on the server (file generation, electronic signature) (wilton,


   I took an active part (from the idea, the formulation of the technical

   specification to the direct implementation) in the team development of the

   terminal management service, their auto-updating and remote editing of

   settings (Nodejs, Typescript, Nestjs, Postgres).


Daria possesses an exceptional technical mindset and a comprehensive understanding of various tech challenges. She has an extensive knowledge of Nest.js, Node.js, and JavaScript.


Daria Artema

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