Anton Stankevich

Lead ATQA Engineer
Vetted by

A seasoned Senior Manual QA/Automation QA Engineer with experience in the IT field. A vast understanding of various automation tools and technologies. Proficient in writing test scripts, executing test cases, analyzing test results, customer support, and release management.



Vetting results

Lead ATQA Engineer

JavaScript;UI Testing;API Testing;Bitbucket;Selenium;TeamCity;Postman;





  • JS: WebDriverIO, Postman, Allure
  • Deployment/CI/CD: Selenoid, Bamboo, Jenkins, TeamCity
  • Version Control System: Git
  • Task/Test management: Jira, Confluence, Redmine

Work Experience

Senior / Lead ATQA Engineer, UpTeam, 2016 - present

Project: a US SAAS platform providing fully managed service for retailers

  • Creating a QA strategy
  • Establishing connections between team and other departments - product QA, Dev Operations
  • Reducing a queue of external tasks from several months to a weekly sprint
  • Helping team members to grow from junior to middle/senior
  • Reviewing web tests with total refactoring
  • Replacing the internal framework with open source libraries
  • Refactoring tests
  • Optimizing CI builds
  • Daily scrum meetings
  • Sprint planning and workload estimations

Project: Neurotech Solutions. Several multi-tenant web apps for educational and recruiting industries

  • Automation UI testing of the Web-application
  • Cross-browser testing (GC/FF/Edge)
  • Design and development of test cases for new features
  • Test documentation maintenance of the regression suites
  • Regular pre-release regression testing


  • Developer console
  • Selenium
  • Redmine

Project: IoT Data Platform

  • Design and development of automated Front-end tests (Angular) using Protractor (JS + Page object pattern)
  • Set up Jenkins CI jobs to run automated tests on build/ by demand
  • Design and development of test cases, maintaining test documentation
  • Regular automated regression runs with result analysis
  • Automated test improvements to reach better coverage
  • Working on the project I rewrote most of the automated test to make them data-independent so they can be used for any new tenant (in case of one) without spending time developing first tests from the beginning


  • JS
  • Jasmine2
  • Protractor
  • Jenkins
  • Gulp
  • Allure, Git
  • WebDriver

QA Engineer, Technology Company, 2018 - 2020

  • Manual mobile apps testing (Android/iOS)
  • Manual hardware testing (integrated mini controllers)
  • Manual back-end testing using API-docs (swagger)
  • Manual cross-device testing (interactions between smartphones and hardware devices and vice versa)
  • Test documentation development
  • Supervised a group of 4 testers


  • Android studio(ADB)
  • XCode
  • TestFlight
  • Jing
  • Testlink
  • YouTrack
  • Fabric
  • TeamCity

Tester, uTest, 2013 - 2015

Project: While studying in the university I worked as a manual software tester mostly for Web-studios, personal customers.

  • Web services manual testing
  • Mobile games manual testing
  • Health organizations software/hardware testing



Anton Stankevich

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EU: Nicu Bordea


US: Michael Philip

Group CEO & Founder