Alex Korole

ATQA Engineer
Vetted by

Enthusiastic, responsible, performance-driven ATQA Engineer with wide experience in different testing areas and seeking to apply my education, capabilities and further acquire new competencies in the IT field.



Vetting results

ATQA Engineer






  • JS/TS: WebDriverIO, Cypress, Chai.js
  • Java/Selenium
  • Python/Pytest
  • Deployment/Ci/CD: Selenoid, Docker, Bamboo, Jenkins, Concourse
  • Version Control System: Git
  • Jira
  • Jenkins
  • Swagger
  • Kibana

Work Experience

ATQA Engineer, Technology Company, 2022-2022

  • Carrying out automated test development for web apps UI and API
  • Carrying out automated tests analysis and stabilization
  • Communicating with product stakeholders
  • Collaborating with other team members
  • Carrying out requirements analysis
  • Bug Reporting
  • Participating in planning of testing activities

ATQA Engineer, Technology Company, 2019-2022

  • Testing processes organization
  • Creating test-plans, test-cases, check-lists
  • Carrying out regression, functional and integration testing
  • Analyzing requirements and auto-test results
  • Testing Web services (REST API)
  • Working with microservices logs
  • Bug reporting
  • Hiring & Mentoring new testers
  • Carrying out manual testing and automation testing
  • Creating and supporting automated test project for UI and API with Java(Selenide, RestAssured)
  • Updating and supporting automated test project for UI with JS (Cypress)
  • Writing documentationTeaching of support teamWorking in agile team

QA Engineer, Technology Company, 2018-2019

  • Carrying out manual testing
  • Creating test-cases, check-lists
  • Bug reporting
  • Writing autotests with CBTA
  • Writing autotests with Python (PyTest)


" Alex possesses a strong understanding of software testing principles and methodologies, with a particular focus on automation testing. He has demonstrated proficiency in various testing tools and frameworks, including Selenium, Appium, JUnit. His ability to leverage these tools effectively has significantly contributed to the efficiency and accuracy of our testing processes."

Andreas U

Quality Assurance Manager


Alex Korole

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